- Apakah Adjarian pernah membaca sebuah fairy tale?
Fairy tale berarti dongeng.
Dongeng merupakan cerita fiksi yang diceritakan secara turun-temurun dari generasi ke generasi.
Nah, materi yang akan kita bahas kali ini merupakan fairy tale atau dongeng.
Sebelum memulai materi, kita diminta untuk menjawab soal untuk menguji pemahaman kita akan fairy tale.
Soal tersebut ada pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 SMA Kurikulum Merdeka.
Soal tersebut ada pada Unit 2, materi Fairy Tale, halaman 42.
Jawaban di bawah ini bisa Adjarian jadikan sebagai referensi ketika mengerjakan soal tersebut.
Nah, berikut pembahasan soal seputar menganalisis struktur teks fairy tale.
My Initial Understanding
Look at the picture. What information can you get from the picture? Have further discussions by responding to the following questions.
1. Are you familiar with fairy tales?
Answer: Yes, I'm familiar with fairy tales.
I often read or watch fairy tales both in English or Indonesian language.
2. Have you ever read a fairy tale?
Answer: Yes, I've ever read a fairy tale.
3. What do you know about fairy tales?
Answer: Fairy tale is one of the folklore that is quite diverse in scope.
Fairy tales usually comes from various ethnic groups, communities, or certain regions in various parts of the world.
Fairy tales usually retold from generation to generation.
I often found a stroy that tell about fairies, princesses, dragons, elves and others in a fairy tale.
4. What kind of fairy tale do you like best? Why?
Answer: I like fairy tale that the story is in the kingdom with a lot of beautiful princesses.
Because there are many lessons that I can learn from reading those fairy tale.
Nah, itulah pembahasan soal mengenai pembahasan awal materi Fairy Tale.