Contoh Dialog Menanyakan Hari Anak Nasional dalam Bahasa Inggris

By Aldita Prafitasari, Rabu, 20 Juli 2022 | 12:30 WIB
Ada contoh dialog yang membicarakan tentang Hari Anak Nasional atau dalam bahasa Inggris disebut National Children's Day. (Dok. Laman Resmi Kemenpppa)

Bima: Is today the National Children's Day?

Farah: That's right, every July 23 we commemorate the National Children's Day.

Bima: Wow, then Happy National Children's Day to you too, Farah!

Farah: Thank you, Bima! Do you know why July 23 was legalized as National Children's Day?

Bima: I don't know, why is that?

Farah: July 23 was chosen as the commemoration of National Children's Day because it refers to the enactment of Law Number 4 of 1979 concerning Child Welfare.

Bima: Wow, that means that children's welfare already has its own rules of law and is already stated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia, right?

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Farah: That's right! Even the purpose of having a National Children's Day is really noble, you know!

Bhima: Really?

Farah: Yes! The determination of National Children's Day is deemed necessary because the community needs to always foster and develop the welfare of children.

This is because children are the next generation to persue goal of our nation.