Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris 'Mid-Term Test' No 1-3, Kelas VII SMP

By Jestica Anna, Kamis, 7 Juli 2022 | 10:00 WIB
Di dalam soal nomor 1 sampai 3 mid-term Buku PR Interaktif bahasa Inggris kelas VII, terdapat dialog yang membicarakan tentang cat dan keledai. (Unsplash/AnthonyRae)

adjar.id - Di bawah ini adalah pembahasan soal mid-term test Buku PR Interaktif Bahasa Inggris kelas VII.

Adjarian bisa menemukan soal-soal tersebut di halaman 53.

Karena sudah memasuki mid-term test, kali ini cakupan materi soalnya sedikit lebih luas dibanding dengan soal-soal assessment sebelumnya.

O iya, soal nomor 1 hingga 3 kali ini membahas tentang materi awal yang dipelajari di kelas VII, yaitu tentang animal.

Ada dua dialog untuk tiga nomor soal.

Dialog pertama membicarakan tentang kucing peliharaan yang sudah aman untuk dipelihara.

Sementara dialog kedua membicarakan tentang karakteristik hewan keledai.

Adjarian harus mampu menjawab karakteristik kedua hewan tersebut.

Kalau begitu, langsung saja kita kerjakan soal-soalnya, yuk!

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Assessment 2 'Fill the Blank' Halaman 51-52

Choose A, B, or D for the correct answer

1. Netty: Why do you like keeping cats?

Ghani: Well, they are lovely and ...

Netty: No wonder many people keep them as pets.

A. Wild

B. Friendly

C. Dangerous

D. Domesticated

Answer: D. Domesticated

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris 'Assessment 2' No 19-20, Kelas VII SMP

The following dialog is for questions 2 and 3.

Ryan: What animals are they? They look like horses, but a bit different.

Tasya: Well, they are donkeys. They have large ears. These ears allow them to catch distant sounds and help them cool their blood.

Ryan: I see. Tell me further about them.

Tasya: Similar to a horse, a donkey has two front hooves and two hind legs. Those are used to kick enemies, a kind of self-defense.

Ryan: In fables, donkeys are usually representations of a fool.

Tasya: I'm not sure about it. But I know that donkeys are social animals. In the wild, they usually live in herds. One herd consists of one jack and several jennies.

Ryan: Jacks and jennies?

Tasya: Yeah. Male donkeys are called jacks, and females are called jennies or jennets.

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris 'Assessment 2' No 16-18, Kelas VII SMP

Ryan: Ahh, I see

2. What does a donkey look like?

A. It has small ears

B. It is a solitary animal

C. It uses its tail for defense

D. Its ears help it cool its blood

Answer: D. Its ears help it cool its blood

3. In imaginative stories a donkey is usually depicted as a ... animal

A. Smart

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris 'Assessment 2' No 12-15, Kelas VII SMP

B. Logic

C. Stupid

D. Strong

Answer: C. Stupid

Nah, Adjarian, itulah pembahasan soal bahasa Inggris mid-term test kelas VII.