Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Materi Teks Deskripsi dalam Bahasa Inggris

By Aldita Prafitasari, Sabtu, 25 Juni 2022 | 08:00 WIB
Descriptive text adalah teks yang menjelaskan tentang orang, tempat, atau benda tertentu. (Unsplash)

She received it when she and her friends watched a football match in town. 

Dona attended a conference after the match and luckily, she received the jersey. 

The jersey is in medium size. It is red with white stripes on its shoulders and a picture of a garuda on its left chest. 

At a glance, it is similar to other jerseys, but the autograph on the back of the jersey makes it different from others. 

Dona is very happy to have the jersey. 

She never intends to wear it. She hangs it on her room wall for display.

1. Why is text written?

Baca Juga: Contoh Paragraf Mendeskripsikan Sekolah dalam Bahasa Inggris

A. To describe Dona’s jersey

B. To tell the readers about Dona’s hobby

C. To tell the readers about Dona’s jerseys

D. To show Dona’s favorite