- Dalam Buku PR Interaktif pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI, terdapat soal pilihan ganda persiapan soal tengah semester.
Latihan soal yang akan kita bahas kali ini merupakan pemahaman soal reading dalam bentuk teks dialog.
Kita akan membahas soal nomor 10-13 pada halaman 53, Mid Term Test.
Dalam menjawab soal dibawah ini, sebelumnya kita harus memahami terjemahan percakapan yang diberikan.
Dengan begitu, kita bisa memilih soal dengan benar.
Selain itu, kita juga bisa menambah wawasan akan kosakata atau vocabulary dalam bahasa Inggris, Adjarian.
Nah, yuk, kita coba kerjakan bersama-sama beberapa soal berikut ini!
This dialog is for questions 10 to 13.
Terry: Agung, what's your opinion about a statement saying that e-commerce grows rapidly because people are reluctant to leave their houses and prefer to be served?
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI, Chapter III Assessment B
Agung: I agree that e-commerce grows very fast, but it's not because of those reasons. In my opinion, it's because of its accessibility.
Terry: What do you mean?
Agung: I mean people can access suppliers, both foreign and domestic, easily. The prices of goods are also affordable.
Terry: You're right, but are there any other factors that can cause e-commerce to grow?
Agung: Well, besides the easy accessibility of e-commerce, its merchants have unique strategies to attract consumers to buy.
They usually offers special discounts through the e-commerce websites on special days.
Terry: I think you're right.
Terry: Agung, bagaimana pendapatmu tentang pernyataan yang mengatakan bahwa e-commerce tumbuh pesat karena orang enggan keluar rumah dan lebih suka dilayani?
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI, Chapter III Assessment A No. 1-7
Agung: Aku setuju e-commerce tumbuh sangat cepat, tapi bukan karena alasan itu. Menurutku, itu karena aksesibilitasnya.
Terry: Apa maksudmu?
Agung: Maksudnya orang bisa mengakses pemasok, baik asing maupun domestik, dengan mudah. Harga barangnya juga terjangkau.
Terry: Kamu benar, tetapi apakah ada faktor lain yang dapat menyebabkan e-commerce tumbuh?
Agung: Nah, selain akses e-commerce yang mudah, para pedagangnya memiliki strategi unik untuk menarik konsumen untuk membeli.
Mereka biasanya menawarkan diskon khusus melalui situs e-commerce pada hari-hari khusus.
Terry: Saya pikir kamu benar.
10. What are the speakers talking about?
A. The affordable prices of goods from e-commerce
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI, Chapter III Activity 16
B. People's tendencies to stay at home and be served well
C. The benefits of shopping from a department store
D. Access to e-commerce that have just got easier over time
E. Factors that make e-commerce grow rapidly
Answer: E. Factors that make e-commerce grow rapidly
11. Why do people tend to shop in e-commerce?
A. Suppliers don't give extra shipping charges.
B. They have to use cashless payments to buy things.
C. They don't have to queue to pay for their shopping bills in e-commerce.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI, Chapter III Activity 10
D. They are interested in getting discounts from online stores.
E. The products sold in e-commerce are not as reliable as those in offline stores.
Answer: D. They are interested in getting discounts from online stores.
12. Agung says "The prices of goods are also affordable."
The underlined word can be best replaced with
A. items
B. services
C. baggage
D. charity
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI, Chapter II Activity 17
E. stocks
Answer: A. items
13. What can you conclude about Agung?
A. He reluctantly goes to a supermarket since the era of e-commerce.
B. He claims that offline stores are better than online ones.
C. He has a lack of knowledge about an e-commerce business.
D. He is a supplier of the offline store near his house.
E. He does not fully agree with Terry's opinion about e-commerce.
Answer: E. He does not fully agree with Terry's opinion about e-commerce.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI, Bab IV Assessment A No. 13-16
Nah, itulah pembahasan soal materi bahasa Inggris kelas XI pada Buku PR Interaktif latihan soal tengah semester, Mid Term Test, Adjarian.