– Kali ini kita akan membahas soal bahasa Inggris materi “Grouping daily activities”.
Soal-soal tersebut dapat ditemukan di buku When English Rings a Bell kelas VIII, chapter XII halaman 200.
Pada pembelajaran kali ini, kita diajak untuk menuliskan kegiatan yang harus dilakukan sehari-hari sebagai pengingat.
Menulis daftar kegiatan yang akan dilakukan dapat membantu kita lebih produktif lagi, lo.
Nah, pada halaman 189 sudah disajikan beberapa daftar kegiatan yang masih acak, Adjarian.
Tugas kita adalah mengelompokkannya sesuai dengan waktu pengerjaan masing-masing.
Misalnya, menyapu halaman dilakukan di pagi hari, bersekolah juga dilakukan di pagi hari, dan mengerjakan tugas di malam hari.
Dengan begitu, jadwal kegiatan pun akan menjadi lebih terstruktur.
Langsung saja kita bahas, yuk!
Baca Juga: 50 Contoh Regular Verbs tentang Daily Activity
Observing & Asking Question
1. Wash the dishes straightaway after you finish eating.
2. Sweep the floor twice a day, in the morning before you go to school and in the afternoon.
3. You can play games, but make sure you do your homework first.
4. Turn off the lights before you go to bed.
5. You have a lot of fruits in the refrigerator. Eat enough fruit and vegetable every day.
6. Don’t forget to water the plant in the afternoon.
7. Always have breakfast before you go to school.
8. Dry the towels on the line after you take a bath.
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Materi Bahasa Inggris Daily Activities
9. Don’t make a mess. Put your dirty clothes in the basket.
10. Make sure the backdoor is locked before you go to bed.
11. Don’t forget to close the windows before you leave the house.
12. Make the bed every morning.
13. Mop the floor at least every two days
Observing & Asking Question
To do in the morning:
1. Sweep the floor twice a day, in the morning before you go to school and in the afternoon.
2. Always have breakfast before you go to school.
Baca Juga: Contoh Paragraf Menceritakan Kegiatan Sehari-hari dalam Bahasa Inggris
3. Make the bed every morning.
4. Don’t forget to close the windows before you leave the house.
To do in the afternoon:
1. Don’t forget to water the plant in the afternoon.
2. Don’t make a mess. Put your dirty clothes in the basket.
3. Dry the towels on the line after you take a bath.
To do in the evening/at night:
1. Turn off the lights before you go to bed.
2. Make sure the backdoor is locked before you go to bed.
Baca Juga: Materi Kegiatan Sehari-hari atau Daily Activities: Kosakata dan Tenses
3. You can play games, but make sure you do your homework first.
To do any time of the day:
1. Wash the dishes straightaway after you finish eating.
2. You have a lot of fruits in the refrigerator. Eat enough fruit and vegetable every day.
Nah, itulah pembahasan soal bahasa Inggris materi “Grouping daily activities”, Adjarian.