Latihan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Menentukan Topik Teks dan Kata Rujukan

By Jestica Anna, Kamis, 12 Mei 2022 | 19:00 WIB
Menentukan topik teks dan kata rujukan merupakan dua tipe soal pada UTBK bahasa Inggris. (Pixabay) – Berapa banyak latihan soal UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris yang sudah pernah Adjarian, kerjakan?

Hari menuju UTBK SBMPTN semakin dekat, salah satu upaya yang bisa dilakukan adalah mengerjakan latihan soal-soal.

Nah, kali ini kita akan membahas latihan soal UTBK bahasa Inggris tipe menentukan topik dan kata rujukan, nih.

Pernahkah Adjarian mengerjakan kedua tipe soal tersebut?

Topik teks biasanya tersirat pada paragraf pertama bahkan di kalimat pertama.

Paragraf-paragraf selanjutnya biasanya hanya melanjutkan atau menjabarkan topik atau pembahasan pada paragraf pertama.

Sementara itu, untuk menjawab kata rujukan, kita bisa membaca kalimat utuh sebelum kalimat yang ditanyakan.

Kalau kata yang ditanyakan dalam bentuk kutipan pernyataan, kita bisa memperhatikan tokoh yang disebutkan pada kalimat sebelum kutipan.

Kalau begitu, langsung saja kita bahas bersama latihan soalnya, yuk!

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Menentukan Bentuk Penyajian Paragraf

Read the text below

(1) It is common knowledge that as women get older, pregnancy becomes a riskier enterprise. Advanced maternal ages is linked to a number of developmental disorders in children, such as Down's syndrome.

Now, a study has confirmed that older mothers are more likely to give birth to a child with autism, too.

The authors of the epidemiological study, published February 8 in Autism Research, examined the parental age of more than 12.000 children with autism and nearly five million "control" children between 1990 and 1999, all living in California.

The researchers found that mother over 40 had a 51 percent higher risk of having a child with autism than mother 25 to 29, and a 77 percent higher risk than mothers under 25.

(2) Autism a developmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication appears to be on the rise.

The U.S. centers for Disease Control and Prevention now estimates that as many as one in 110 children in the U.S. has an autistic spectrum disorder a group of developmental disorders including autism, Asperger's syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder.

The prevalence of autistic spectrum disorders in California in 2007 was 12 times that from 1987, representing in average annual growth of 13 percent, according to a report from the California Department of Developmental Services.

Only a fraction of these extra cases can be explained by changes to diagnostic criteria and earlier diagnoses.

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Mencari Ide Utama dan Tujuan Teks

(3) Maternal age is also increasing in the U.S.A. California-based study reported a three-fold increase in the number of births to woman ages 40 to 44 between 1982 and 2004.

But this trend toward delayed childbearing accounted for less than 5 percent of the total increase in autism diagnose in California over the decade.

According to the study a finding that surprised Janie Shelton, a doctoral student in University of California Davis's Department of Public Health Sciences and the study's lead author.

"I would have expected to see more of a contribution, because age is a risk factor and woman are having kids later," she says.

Earlier work had suggested that both maternal and paternal ages are independently associated with autism risk. But the current study found that paternal ages is only a risk factor when the mother is under 30.


1. In the text above the writer deals with a topic on...

A. Prevalence of autism among children

B. Possible biological causes of autism

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Menjawab Soal Terkait Teks dan Sinonim Kata

C. Research findings on mental disorders

D. Maternal age and autism in children

E. Negative effects of delayed pregnancy

Jawaban: D. Maternal age and autism in children

Pembahasan: Seperti yang sudah kita bahas sebelumnya, kita dapat menemukan topik teks pada paragraf awal. Mari perhatikan paragraf awal.

“It is common knowledge that as women get older, pregnancy becomes a riskier enterprise.”

“Now, a study has confirmed that older mothers are more likely to give birth to a child with autism, too. “

Dari dua kalimat di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ibu dengan usia lebih tua kemungkinan akan melahirkan anak dengan autisme.

Lalu, jika dibaca sekilas, paragraf kedua berisi penjelasan tentang autisme, sementara paragraf ketiga berisi tentang studi meningkatnya maternal age di USA.

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Mencari Tujuan Utama Paragraf

Kedua paragraf tersebut hanya berisi penjabaran dari paragraf pertama.

Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah opsi D.

2. The word “she” in the last paragrapgh refers to…

A. 40 years old mom

B. Baby

C. Janie Shelton

D. Pregnant woman

E. U.S researchers centre

Jawaban: C. Jenis Shelton

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Menentukan Tujuan Penulisan Teks

Pembahasan: Untuk mengetahui kata rujukan, kita perlu membaca kalimat utuh pada paragraf sebelumnya.

“’I would have expected to see more of a contribution, because age is a risk factor and woman are having kids later,’ she says.”

Kata “she” pada kalimat tersebut merujuk pada pemilik kutipan. Dengan begitu, kita bisa melihat tokoh yang disebut pada kalimat sebelumnya.

“According to the study a finding that surprised Janie Shelton, a doctoral student in University of California Davis's Department of Public Health Sciences and the study's lead author.”

Tokoh yang disebutkan pada kalimat tersebut adalah Janie Shelton. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi C.

Nah, itulah latihan soal UTBK bahasa Inggris tipe menentukan topik teks dan kata rujukan, Adjarian.