- Adjarian, tahu ada berapa jenis kalimat atau types of sentence dalam bahasa Inggris?
Dalam bahasa Inggris, kalimat dapat dibagi menjadi empat jenis jika dilihat berdasarkan penggunaannya.
Keempat jenis tersebut antara lain:
1. Declarative sentence atau kalimat pernyataan
2. Interrogative sentence atau kalimat tanya
3. Imperative sentence kalimat perintah
4. Exclamation sentence kalimat seru
Nah kali ini kita akan mempelajari keempat tipe kalimat tersebut dalam bentuk latihan soal beserta jawabannya.
Yuk, kita simak bersama kumpulan soal dan jawaban materi types of sentence dalam bahasa Inggris berikut ini!
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Kumpulan Soal dan Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Materi Types of Sentence
1. Which type of sentence must end with a question mark?
a. interrogative
b. imperative
c. exclamative
Answer: a. interrogative
2. A sentence that's used to give someone an order or a command is an _______ sentence.
a. interrogative
b. imperative
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c. exclamative
Answer: b. imperative
3. The function of a declarative sentence is to _______ someone about something.
a. ask
b. tell
c. surprise
Answer: b. tell
4. What does an exclamative sentence usually end with?
a. a full-stop or period
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b. a question mark
c. an exclamation mark
Answer: c. an exclamation mark
5. "Sit down and be quiet!" What type of sentence is this?
a. exclamative
b. imperative
c. interrogative
Answer: b. imperative
6. Which of these sentence types often begins with the subject?
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a. declarative
b. imperative
c. exclamative
Answer: a. declarative
7. Which is an exclamative sentence?
a. He's so cute!
b. Isn't he cute?
c. How cute he is!
Answer: c. How cute he is!
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8. The usual FORM of a declarative sentence is
a. to make a statement
b. subject-verb
c. a period or full-stop
Answer: b. subject-verb
9. Which of these sentences is in imperative form?
a. Have fun, won't you?
b. Did you have fun?
c. It'll be fun!
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Answer: a. Have fun, won't you?
10. Which is a declarative sentence?
a. Ouch!
b. Stop hurting me!
c. That hurts!
Answer: c. That hurts!
Nah, Adjarian, itulah kumpulan soal dan jawaban materi types of sentence dalam Inggris, ya!