– Apakah Adjarian sudah pernah mengerjakan latihan soal UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris tipe menyimpulkan isi teks?
Mencari kesimpulan teks merupakan tipe soal yang umum ditemui dalam penyajian sebuah teks.
Nah, tipe-tipe soal seperti ini biasanya ditandai dengan kata-kata “infer” atau “conclude” dalam kalimat pertanyaannya.
Untuk menjawabnya kita memang perlu membaca teks secara keseluruhan, Adjarian.
Setelah membaca teks secara keseluruhan, temukan pembahasan inti pada tiap-tiap paragrafnya.
Kita bisa coba memperhatikan topik yang paling banyak dibicarakan atau ditulis berulang kali pada suatu paragraf.
Nah, setelah menemukan inti bahasan tiap-tiap paragraf, carilah pilihan jawaban yang memuat semua inti tersebut.
Apakah Adjarian sudah paham cara mengerjakannya?
Kalau sudah, langsung saja kita aplikasikan untuk menjawab soal di bawah ini, yuk!
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Mencari Kesimpulan Paragraf
Read the following text
(1) Mental illness involves specific types of mood disorders that cause cognitive distortions.
When people suffering from one of these illnesses perceive reality incorrectly, they will likely find themselves surffering from sadness, anxiety, hallucinations, of psychosis.
With clinical depression itself, people may have both good moods and bad moods from time to time. The bad moods, however, will likely predominate.
(2) When people are excessively pessimistic and feel like they are experiencing a mild-life crisis, they might very well be suffering from a major depression disorder.
Misery and lack of hope may come to the forefront, and people might very well feel that they can no longer go on. It is at this point that they will need to schedule a consultation with a licensed therapist.
In some cases, they might be started on anti-depressant medications. The goal is to correct cognitive distortions so that the patients can regain their passion for life. The worst cases may take many months to overcome. Strong support from loved ones is essential.
(3) Beyond unipolar depression, which might stem from thyroid mood swings or a hormonal imbalance, the other major type of depression is bipolar disorder.
Sings of bipolar disorder might differ from person to person and can thus be hard for professionals to tease out.
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Mencari Kesimpulan Umum dan Tipe Pembaca
Swinging from despair to euphoria will indicate presence of bipolar manic depression.
In some cases, patients might believe that they have superhuman power or traits. People who are bipolar might also spend money without regard to the future. They could also enggage in risky behaviors.
(Diadaptasi dari
1. Based on the passage above, it can be inferred that...
A. Clinically people tend to have changing moods over time
B. Depressions are closely associated with one's cognition state
C. People who get angry easily may suffer from mental disorders
D. The first aid for those with mental illnesses is having a psychiatrist
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris Mencari Kesimpulan Paragraf dan Sinonim
D. Essentially there is no best theraphy for mentally disorder people
Jawaban: B. Depressions are closely associated with one's cognition state
Pembahasan: Nah, untuk mencari kesimpulan teks. Coba kita perlu mencari inti per paragrafnya terlebih dahulu.
Inti paragraf pertama langsung dapat kita temukan pada kalimat pertama. Paragraf pertama menceritakan bahwa gangguan mental dapat menyebabkan gangguan kognitif.
“Mental illness involves specific types of mood disorders that cause cognitive distortions”
Lalu, paragraf kedua menguraikan contoh-contoh gangguan mental, seperti depresi dan pesiistis.
“When people are excessively pessimistic and feel like they are experiencing a mild-life crisis, they might very well be suffering from a major depression disorder.”
Pembahasan tersebut masih dilanjut pada paragraf ketiga yang menceritakan tentang gangguan mental bipolar.
“Sings of bipolar disorder might differ from person to person…”
Baca Juga: Latihan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Mencari Tujuan Utama Paragraf
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks tersebut menyampaikan bahwa gangguan mental dapat menyebabkan gangguan kognitif, yang juga disertai contoh-contohnya, termasuk depresi.
Sehingga, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi B, “Depressions are closely associated with one's cognition state”.
Nah, Adjarian, itulah latihan soal UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris tipe menyimpulkan isi teks.