– Adjarian, kali ini kita akan mengerjakan soal UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris, tipe mencari kesimpulan paragraf?
Apakah Adjarian sudah pernah mengerjakan tipe soal satu ini sebelumnya?
Untuk bisa menjawab tipe soal satu ini, kita hanya perlu mencermati paragraf yang dipertanyakan.
Namun, perlu berhai-hati, sebab terkadang terdapat pilihan-pilihan jawaban yang hampir serupa dan tentunya sangat mengecoh.
O iya, karena berupa kesimpulan, bisa jadi informasi yang dimaksud dituliskan dnegan narasi yang berbeda dengan opsi jawaban.
Oleh karena itu, kecermatan kita dalam memahami paragraf dan mencocokkannya dengan opsi jawaban sangat dibutuhkan.
Tenang saja, semakin banyak berlatih, semakin terbiasa pula dalam membuat kesimpulan dari sebuah paragraf atau teks.
Lalu, bagaimana contoh soalnya?
Langsung saja kta simak bersama, yuk!
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris dan Pembahasan, Menentukan Motivasi Penulis
Read the following text
(1) As colleges and universities have shuttered their physical campuses in the face of the spread of COVID-19, they have moved their courses to remote and online for mats in rapid fashion.
And that's prompted many to wonder what the ultimate impact this period of time may have on online learning in higher education.
Based on the present situation, where individuals come to stand on online learn ing will depend on where they sit currently. That is, there will be both positive and negative impacts on the state of online learning in higher education.
(2) On the bad side, given that college and university faculty hastily moved courses online without much support, online learning is being done poorly in many quarters of the United States.
It's consequently getting a bad reputation at many campuses. Faculty members who have struggled in the online environment and haven't received enough support from their college or university are unlikely to have much enthusiasm for online learning in the future.
Even in cases where teaching and learning centers on campuses intervene and help build the courses, they are likely overstretched at the moment, and so many courses have been poor substitutes for the originals (even if the originals weren't terribly inspiring).
When colleges eventually resume physical instruction, many will breathe a collective sigh of relief and resume their studies as usual. It's unlikely they will look back fondly on their online experiences and wonder why it is that they ever dragged themselves to a classroom in the first place.
(3) If the closure of physical campuses continues into the fall, some residential students and their parents will start asking why they should pay large tuition bills for an in-person experience they are not receiving.
If they are going to be learning online anyway, why not opt for a provider that has strong experience with online learning and that can offer it more affordably than can a traditional college or university? Institutions with robust online learning programs, particularly if they are more affordable than a traditional program, will stand to gain ground.
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan UTBK Bahasa Inggris Tipe Unstated Statement
Online learning will grow from where it was pre-COVID-19. Universities that offer robust online programs as well as in-person ones and can offer the potential for seamless transfer between the two are also likely to benefit.
(Diadaptasi dari
1. From the second paragraph it can be inferred that...
A. Some universities are not ready to deal with online learning
B. Almost all faculty members do not get a support system from their campuses
C. Students enjoy online learning rather than physical learning programs
D. Universities in the US mostly provide not so bad substitutes for their original courses
E. Students will look back fondly on their online learning course since it is a new experience for them
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan UTBK Bahasa Inggris Tipe Mencari Padanan Kalimat
Jawaban: A. Some universities are not ready to deal with online learning
Pembahasan: Hal pertama yang kita lakukan adalah membaca dan mencermati paragraf yang ditanyakan pada soal, yaitu pada paragraf kedua.
Sebetulnya, inti kalimat terletak pada paragraf tersebut sudah tercantum di paragraf pertama, lo.
“On the bad side, given that college and university faculty hastily moved courses online without much support, online learning is being done poorly in many quarters of the United States”.
Artinya, sisi buruknya, sekolah tinggi dan universitas terburu-buru untuk beralih ke kursus daring tanpa banyak dukungan pembelajaan, pembelajaran daring dilakukan dengan buruk di bayak tempat di AS.
Dari kalimat tersebut sudah didapatkan intinya, bahwa pembelajaran daring siap dilakukan di banyak tempat di AS.
Jika dicocokkan dengan pilihan jawaban, maka opsi yang paling tepat adalah opsi A.
Nah, Adjarian, itulah contoh soal dan pembahasan UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris tipe menyimpulkan paragraf.