This is my family. We have five people and three animals in our little family. The are father, mother, an older brother and a younger sister. All of my family have brown hair and tan skin.
We have two cats and a big dog, they never fight each other. The color of my cats are brown and white, they are about three years old. Meanwhile, my big dog is black, it likes to stares at the view. We all like going for walks in the countryside.
Ini adalah keluargku. Terdapat lima orang dan tiga hewan dalam keluarga kecil kami. Mereka adalah ayah, ibu, kakak laki-laki dan adik perempuan. Semua keluargaku memiliki rambut cokelat dan kulit sawo matang.
Kami memiliki dua kucing dan seekor anjing besar, mereka tidak pernah berkelahi satu sama lain. Warna kucingku coklat dan putih, mereka berumur sekitar tiga tahun. Sedangkan, anjing besar saya berwarna hitam, anjing saya suka sekali menatap pemandangan. Kita semua suka berjalan-jalan di pedesaan.
1. How many family members in it?
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan Materi Bahasa Inggris Parts of Body
Answer: There are eight family members.
(Jawaban: terdapat delapan anggota keluarga.)
2. How many siblings does the writer have?
Answer: The writer has two siblings.