Pembahasan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Menentukan Topik Paragraf Sebelumnya

By Jestica Anna, Senin, 28 Maret 2022 | 18:00 WIB
Menentukan topik paragraf sebelum paragraf pertama merupakan salah satu tipe soal UTBK bahasa Inggris. (Pixabay) – Pernahkah Adjarian menjawab soal UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris tipe menentukan topik paragraf sebelumnya atau preceding topic?

Preceding questions merupakan jenis pertanyaan yang meminta kita untuk menentukan topik paragraf sebelum paragraf pertama.

Biasanya, kita cenderung menemui pertanyaan following paragraph atau paragraf sesudah, ternyata ada juga tipe menentukan paragraf atau topik sebelumnya, lo.

Karakteristik tipe soal ini umumnya ditandai dengan pertanyaan, seperti “The paragraph preseding the passage probably…” atau “the part preceding the passage will likely discuss about…”

Jadi, Adjarian bisa menandainya dengan kata “preceding” yang artinya “sebelum” atau “mendahului”.

Nah, untuk menjawabnya, cobalah untuk mencermati isi paragraf pertama. Sebab, pada umumnya kalimat pertama pada paragraf merupakan kalimat transisi dari paragraf sebelumnya.

Dengan begitu, kita dapat dengan mudah menentukan topik atau isi paragraf sebelumnya.

O iya, kita juga tidak perlu membaca keseluruhan teks, lo, sehingga dapat menghemat waktu ujian.

Untuk mengasah kemampuan kita, coba kita simak pembahasan soal di bawah ini, yuk!

Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Menentukan Ide Utama Teks

Read the following text.

(1) Young people have put the spotlight on mental health in Mission Australia's Youth Survey this year, naming it as of the top three issues facing Australia.

The survey found one concerns about mental health across the country that have doubled alarmingly since 2011. About 22,000 young people aged 15 to 19 took part in the survey and more than 20 per cent cited mental health as among their top national issues. Alcohol and drugs were cited as their top concern, fol-lowed by equity and discrimination.

(2) Mission Australia chief executive Cath-erine Yeomans said concerns about mental health were at their highest level in the sur-vey's 15-year history.

"If young people are telling us that they think this is one of the top three concerns facing the nation, then we should sit up and pay attention and we should think about whether we've got the right responses in place," she said. "Let's look at the issues and put in programs that are going to support young people."

(3) The results did not surprise 19-year-old Savannah van der Veer, who has managed depression and ob-sessive compulsive disor-der for more than a decade.

"People don't take you seriously, they just as-sume all chil-dren are kind of moody and unusual - they do strange things that don't make sense," she said.

"But I was really suffering and I didn't really know how to talk about it and I didn't really know that what was happening to me wasn't normal." Miss van der Veer said she turned to her mother and counselors for support.

(4) Youth mental health group Batyr held more than 150 workshops in Australian high schools last year. The program is facilitated by young people who have experienced men-tal health issues.

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Mencari Tujuan Utama Penulis

"What our programs are designed to do is to make it OK to not be OK - to show young people that there are people out there like them who are suffering and going through tough times but that we can talk about it as a group" chief executive Sam Refshauge said. The sessions incorpo-rate music and activities to shift negative stigma around mental health issues.

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1. What topic does the paragraph preceding the passage most likely discuss? 

A. Depression

B. Mental health

C. Mental problems faced by Australians

D. Equity in our society

E. Mission Australia's Youth Survey

Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Mencari Makna Tersirat Penulis

Jawaban: C. Mental problems faced by Australians

Pembahasan: Begitu membaca pertanyaan pada soal dan menemukan kata “preceding”, kita langsung saja amati kalimat pertama pada paragraf pertama.

“Young people have put the spotlight on mental health in Mission Australia's Youth Survey this year, naming it as of the top three issues facing Australia.”

Kalimat tersebut membicarakan kesehatan mental dalam Mission Australis’s Youth Survey tahun ini.

Masalah tersebut dianggap menjadi salah satu masalah terbesar di Australia.

Nah, karena menyoroti kesehatan mental, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemungkinan paragraf sebelumnya berbicara tentang kesehatan mental yang dialami warga Australia.

Sehingga, pilihan jawaban yang tepat terdapat pada opsi C.

Nah, Adjarian, demikianlah pembahasan soal UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris tipe menentukan topik sebelum atau preceding topic.