– Adjarian, kali ini kita akan mencoba mengerjakan soal UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris mencari kesimpulan umum dan menentukan tipe pembaca.
Pernahkah Adjarian menemukan atau mengerjakan dua soal tipe tersebut?
Soal tipe mencari kesimpulan umum dan tipe pembaca ini memang mengharuskan kita untuk membaca teks secara keeluruhan.
Mengapa begitu? Sebab, diperlukan ketelitian dan kejelian dalam mencari inti bacaan, dengan begitu, kita akan mudah menjawab semua tipe soal, tak terkecuali mencari kesimpulan umum dan tipe pembaca.
Untuk mencari kesimpulan umum, cobalah untuk memahami bacaan dan mencari topik utamanya. Kemudian, perhatikan kelima pilihan jawaban dan korelasikan dengan topik bacaan tersebut.
Nah, sementara untuk mencari tipe pembaca, kita dapat menjawabnya dengan pertanyaan bantuan, seperti “Dari sudut pandang siapa teks tersebut dibuat? Kepada siapa teks tersebut ditujukan?”
Teks yang akan kita temui kali ini berbicara tentang konsumsi obat kimia dan herbal secara bersamaan beserta efek sampingnya.
Seperti apa contoh soal dan pembahasannya?
Kita bahas bersama, yuk!
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris Tipe Sinonim dan Menjawab Pertanyaan Seputar Teks
Read the text carefully
The use of modern chemical drugs and herbal medicines including herbs, simultaneously to treat certain diseases must be exercised carefully. Random combined use can lead to health worsening.
Clinical trials showed the use of simvastatin as anti-cholesterol drugs or a mixture of quava leaves, Javanese turmeric (temulawak) roots and Dutch teak leaves as traditional medicine gave good results if they are used separately.
But, if combined, the results are harmful, Similar harms happen in the combined use of metformin and black tea to treat diabetes. If both are used individually, they can reduce blood sugar levels in large quantities. However, if combined, the decrease in blood sugar content is actually very small. As for herbal chemical drugs, besides being absorbed more slowly by the body, sometimes they are binding substances from chemcical frugs. As a result, the effect of chemical drug is not optimal. Ginseng should not be combined with heart drugs because it will worsen the heart condition.
In addition, garlic, which is also an anticoagulant herbal medicine, should not be combined with chemical drugs such as acetasol or clopidropil because it will cause bleeding. Indonesians know and realize the benefit of medicinal plants for a long time. However, the traditional Indonesian medicine industry has not developed. Currently there are 6 phytopharmacologically based medicines and 31 standardized herbal medicines.
The herbs in Indonesia are thousands in number. Jamu is the lowest level in the grouping of the Indonesian traditional medicines, followed by standardized herbal medicines and phytopharmacologically based medicine as the highest evel.
To improve the status of herbal medicines to standardized herbal medicines, there must be a non-clinical test.
Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Parafrase Informasi Teks dan Sinonim
To be phytopharmacologically based medicines, clinical trials and non-clinical trials must be carried out on these medicines. Because of this, many herbal producers are reluctant to improve the status or their products because even without such complicated procedures, the herbal has already sold well.
Manufacturers will only increase the status of their products to standardized herbal medicines or phytopharmacologically based medicines to ensure the safety of their products to consumers and export interests.
(Diadaptasi dari Lifestyle/Kompas)
1. Which is the most appropriate and general conclusion of the passage? (SOAL UTBK 2019)
A. Indonesia has already standardized herbal medicines pharmacologically
B. Consuming herbs and chemical drugs together bar the potential to improve one's health
C. Use of herbal and chemical drugs in combination must be strictly based on prescription
D. The process of standardizing herbal medicines is complicated and costly and it takes a long time
Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Mencari Informasi Implisit
E. Herbal medicines that bind substances to chemical drugs are the cause of the reduced effect of chemical drugs
Jawaban: B. Consuming herbs and chemical drugs together bar the potential to improve one's health
Pembahasan: Adjarian, seperti yang sudah dikatakan sebelumnya, cara menjawab soal semacam ini adalah dengan memahami keseluruhan bacaan dan membuat kesimpulan secaramenyeluruh.
Jika dibaca sekilas, topik teks di atas adalah “The use of modern chemical drugs and herbal medicines including herbs, simultaneously to treat certain diseases must be exercised carefully. Random combined use can lead to health worsening,” yaituterdapat pada paragraph pertama.
Kemudian, paragraf-paragraf selanjutnya menerangkan efek dari penggunaan obat kimia dan herbal, sehingga opsi yang tepat untuk menjawab soal di atas adalah opsi C.
2. Who needs to read passage?
A. Patients
B. Doctors
C. Pharmacists
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Memparafrase Kalimat
D. Nurses
E. Researchers
Jawaban: A. Patients
Pembahasan: Coba gunakan pertanyaan bantuan semacam berikut “Dari sudut pandang siapa teks tersebutt dibuat?” “Lalu, untuk siapa teks tersebut ditujukan?”
Nah, untuk pertanyaan pertama, jika dibaca secara saksama, kemungkinan besar teks di atas dibuat oleh ahli farmasi atau dokter.
Dengan begitu, berarti teks tersebut ditujukan kepada orang umum atau pasien, ya.
Nah Adjarian, itulah contoh soal dan pembahasan UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris mencari kesimpulan umum dan tipe pembaca, ya!