Katakan "Sampai jumpa" ke masa lalu, "Halo" untuk besok
9. Why does the singer sing the song?
A. To help her friend
B. To thank her friend
C. To encourage her friend
D. To apologize to her friend
E. To remind her friend of his/her duty
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII, Chapter VII Assessment A No. 12-14
Answer: C. To encourage her friend
10. What does the singer suggest her friend do?
A. Trust her
B. Forget her
C. Keep their memories
D. Forget his/her future
E. Step ahead for a better future
Answer: E. Step ahead for a better future
11. "Oh, you can't love me unless you love you too. Treat yourself like nothing but a fool. Can't love me unless you love you too"
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII, Chapter VIII Assessment A No. 1-4
From the lyrics, we can conclude that _____ is important before we love others.
A. self-love
B. self-esteem
C. self-identity
D. self-confidence
E. self-motivation
Answer: A. self-love
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