Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Materi My Hobby atau Hobiku, Kelas 5 SD

By Jestica Anna, Minggu, 13 Maret 2022 | 07:00 WIB
Dalam bahasa Inggris, hobi atau kegemaran disebut hobby. (Pexels/KripeshAdwani)

Hello, friends! My name is Agung Kurniawan. My friends call me Agung. My hobby is playing table tennis. I like it very much. It is interesting and it can make my body healthy.

I usually play table tennis on Monday and Thursday afternoon. I play it with my friend. We just need a ball and a bat to play it. Someday, I want to be a famous table tennis player, just like Ficky Supit.

Answer the questions based on the text.

(Jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan teks.)

1. What is Agung's hobby?

Answer: His hobby is playing table tennis.

(Jawaban: Hobinya adalah bermain tenis meja.)

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal 'Months of the Year' dan 'Days of the Week', Kelas 4 SD

2. Can playing table tennis make Agung’s body healthy?

Answer: Yes, it can.

(Jawaban: Ya, bermain tenis meja dapat membuat tubuh Agung sehat.)

3. When does Agung play his hobby?