Pembahasan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Mencari Informasi Implisit

By Jestica Anna, Rabu, 9 Maret 2022 | 11:00 WIB
Mencari imformasi implisit pada teks merupakan tipe soal yang akan keluar pada UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris. (Pexels/Katerina Holmes) – Kali ini, kita akan membahas sebuah soal UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris tipe mencari informasi implisit pada teks, Adjarian.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan informasi implisit?

Informasi implisit merupakan sebuag bagian dari keseluruhan komunikasi yang dimaksud penulisnya, atau dapat dikatakan makna tersirat yang tidakdinyatakan secara jelas.

Jadi, kita harus dapat memahami maksud kalimat yang ditulis dengan sudut pandang lain.

Misalnya, seseorang berkata “Cuacanya sangat dingin”, dari kalimat tersebut bisa saja ia meminta kita untuk mengenakan jaket atau pakaian tebal lainnya.

Nah, pada UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris, biasanya soal-soal seperti ini akan ditandai dengan pertanyaan “What is the author’s purpose…?”, “By writing the sentence in paragrpgh1, the author intends…”, dan semacamnya.

Nah, pada pembahasan kali ini, terdapat satu soal yang meminta kita untuk mencari tujuan penulis dari teks yang sudah disajikan, Adjarian.

Bagaimana contoh soal dan pembahasannya?

Yuk, kita simak bersama!

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Memparafrase Kalimat

Read the text comprehensively.

(Bacalah teks secara menyeluruh).

Sleepiness after eating is a response of the body to chemical changes during the digestion process. This is normal and it happens to everybody. However, if sleepiness occurs every time after eating and obstructs your ability to function, this may be a concern.

Sleepiness after eating is caused by many factors, such as the type of food you consume, messy sleeping habits, your health condition and so forth. The body requires energy to function and this energy is obtained through food.

Post-eating, the body releases hormones such as amylin, glucagon and cholecystokinin. These hormones increase blood sugar levels, creating a feeling of fullness and producing insulin that will be streamed through cell tissues and provide energy for them. At the same time, the brain releases serotonin that causes drowsiness.

Moreover, food also influences melatonin production in the brain. This is the hormone that is responsible for sleepiness post-meal. S

Some foods that are rich in protein, such as meat, poultry, eggs, fish, spinach, tofu, cheese and soybeans can trigger more drowsiness than others.

Additionally, foods containing carbohydrates also help produce serotonin and tryptophan amino acids found in the brain. This is the reason why you feel sleepy after eating carbohydrate-rich foods.

Overeating can also cause sleepiness. Post-meal, the body streams more blood to the digestive system to better digest foods in massive amounts.

Baca Juga: Contoh dan Pembahasan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Menentukan Inti Bacaan

This causes a temporary blood and nutrients shortage in the brain. To prevent post-meal drowsiness, it’s better to eat a balanced diet containing vegetables, grains and good fats to provide continuous energy. Drink lots of water and limit your sugar intake.

Bad sleeping patterns can also cause sleepiness after eating. After a meal, the body feels full and relaxed, making the body feel like it is resting, resulting in a feeling of sleepiness, particularly if you didn’t get a good night’s sleep the night before.

To avoid this, improve your sleeping habits to prevent stress. Engaging in regular physical exercise can help you get a good night’s sleep. It is recommended that you avoid napping if you are having trouble sleeping at night.

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1. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To discuss the amount of food to consume so as not to feel sleepy

B. To tell the readers the benefit of eating certain foods

C. To investigate what causes drowsiness after overeating

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris Tipe Memahami Informasi Spesifik Teks

D. To inform the readers about the factors of sleepiness after eating

E. To argue the effect of eating too much foods for the brain

Jawaban: D. To inform the readers about the factors of sleepiness after eating

Pembahasan: Pertanyaan di atas mengharuskan kita untuk mencari tujuan penulis dalam menulis teks. Karena hal tersebut tidak mungkin terlampir secara eksplisit, jadi kita harus dapat menyimpulkan jawaban sendiri.

Nah, pertama-tama, coba kita telaah satu per satu tujuan penulisan teks di atas, yuk!

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Mencari Gagasan yang Tidak Tepat

Dari keempat pernyataan tersebut, dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa tujuan penulis adalah menginformasikan mengenai faktor kantuk setelah makan.

Maka, opsi D merupakan jawabanyang paling tepat.

Nah Adjarian, itulah pembahasan soal UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris tipe mencari informasi implisit pada teks, ya!