Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII, Chapter VII Assessment A No. 5-8

By Aldita Prafitasari, Rabu, 2 Maret 2022 | 20:40 WIB
London adalah kota yang besar dan ramai. (Unsplash)

The underlined word can be replaced with

A. accept

B. hope

C. assume

D. obtain

E. notice

Answer: D. obtain

8. From the text we know that

A. English people are polite and always serious

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII, Chapter VI Activity 8

B. London is a big comfortable city to stay

C. we must be active when we stay abroad

D. the speaker only can go to museums all year round

E. people always have similar ways of expressing themselves

Answer: C. we must be active when we stay abroad

Nah, itulah pembahasan soal materi bahasa Inggris kelas XII pada Buku PR Interaktif materi How to Prepare Your Future nomor 5 sampai 8, Adjarian.