C. How social media destroys women's lives.
D. The use of social media actually lowers people's standards of behavior.
E. A study on the relationship between the impact of social media and student achievement
Jawaban: C. Social media has a negative impact on the mental health of young women’s social life.
Pembahasan: Jika dibaca dengan saksama, mulai dari paragaf awal hingga akhir teks tersebut membahas tentang efek sosial media untuk kesehatan mental perempuan muda.
Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris Mencari Asumsi Penulis dan Makna Tersirat
Coba perhatikan kalimat berikut!
“New research from Notre Dame explores why social media isn't always good for us, especially if you're young and female.”
“The focus of his research is Instagram use among young women aged 18 to 25 years….”
“One of the main findings from her work so far is that the younger female Instagram users in her study, their late teens and early 20s, found that images on the app made them feel the worst about their bodies.“
“However, women who are slightly older (mid 20s) feel inadequate around their work and lifestyle.“
Nah, dengan dominasi pembahasan tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa jawaban paling tepat terdapat pada pilihan jawaban C.