Pembahasan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris Mencari Asumsi Penulis dan Makna Tersirat

By Jestica Anna, Selasa, 8 Februari 2022 | 13:30 WIB
Mencari asumsi dan makna tersirat pada paragraf merupakan contoh dua tipe soal UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris. (Pixabay)

The present outbreak is now costing the world in terms of lost productivity, humanitarian aid, and human lives lost. It is easy to dismiss tropical diseases as an issue that will not affect the West.

However, the present situation is a warning shot across our bows that we ignore at our peril.


1. The assumption the author has about the West is…

A. They act quickly to prevent a disease only when it is important to them

Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris Grammar dan Kalimat Tak Relevan

B. Tropical diseases that are considered exotic and dangerous by the people

C. It is difficult to convince them that they need to send medical help to Africa

D. They are very interested in developing Ebola vaccines for mass production

Jawaban= A. They act quickly to prevent a disease only when it is important to them

Pembahasan= Pada teks di atas, penulis berasumsi bahwa “The West” atau negara barat akan bertindak cepat untuk mencegah sebuah penyakit hanya jika penting atau berdampak pada mereka.

Nah, jawaban ini bisa kita temukan pada kalimat-kalimat berikut.