– Apakah Adjarian sudah pernah mengerjakan latihan soal UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris tentang author’s bias atau anggapan penulis?
Mencari anggapan penulis ini merupakan salah satu tipe soal yang umum keluar pada berbagai ujian bahasa Inggris, termasuk UTBK.
O iya, selain mencari anggapan penulis, ada tipe soal lain yang biasa muncul pada UTBK bahasa Inggris, seperti sinonim dan antonim, mencari topik utama, dan semacamnya.
Dengan banyaknya tipe soal yang akan keluar ini mengharuskan kita untuk rajin berlatih mengerjakan soal dan pembahasan.
Jenis teks yang muncul pada UTBK bahasa Inggris umumnya memang panjang dan ilmiah.
Namun, kita tidak perlu khawatir, sebab jika rajin berlatih, maka akan terbiasa dan tentunya memudahkan kita untuk menjawab soalnya.
Nah, pada artikel kali ini, kita akan mencoba mengerjakan soal mencari anggapan penulis mengenai permasalahan pada teks.
Untuk menjawab tipe soal seperti ini, kita harus mencari poin utama sudut pandang yang diutarakan penulis, Adjarian.
Yuk, coba kita kerjakan bersama!
Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal Mencari Kalimat Penutup dan Grammar UTBK Bahasa Inggris
Read the text comprehensively!
(Bacalah teks secara keseluruhan!)
Different forms of energy sources have helped us in many ways from running our vehicles to cooking at home or generating electricity.
There are two types of energy sources-renewable and non-renewable energy resources. The former is where the energy resources do not get depleted and they can be used repeatedly whereas non-renewable energy resources cannot be used again and again.
We cannot even imagine a life without the existence of fossil fuels like crude oil; coal and natural gas. But, usage of these energy resources creates lot of problems.
Global warming, increase in prices of fossil fuels, and the threat of peak oil are major concerns around the globe but what steps are we talking to overcome all these issues?
If we stop consuming fossil fuels, we can stop global warming and save non-renewable energy resources for our future generations to deploy. But, at the same time we need to seek an alternative to meet our requirements.
We come across these topics on television, internet, and magazines and there is a lot of debate going on with regards to these topics.
Is it possible for us to overcome this crisis? Only alternative energy solutions can help us as well as our environment to some extent.
Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal Mencari Tujuan Utama Penulis UTBK Bahasa Inggris
Industries that deal with alternative energy solutions like solar and wind power thrive hard to save our environment.
Even though modern technologies are being implemented to extract crude oil from places, which were not reachable earlier, it is still not possible to meet the growing demand.
The demand for fossil fuels is increasing due to the rapid increase in population growth. Alternative energy solutions have lot of beneits when compared to non-renewable energy resources. Industries have started investing their time and money in researching as well as setting up power plants.
Certain home users hesitate to go for alternative energy solutions as initial investment needs to be made. However, once the equipment is installed, there will be no maintenance costs or other repetitive costs.
Apart from the set up cost, energy from the sun and the wind will always be free in any part of the country and there is no need for being dependent upon other countries.
On the other hand, the prices of renewable energy resources keep increasing and certain countries have to be dependent upon major oil producing countries. Home users who consume alternative energy resources can cut down on their electricity bills.
Each system has its pros and cons, but the best and wise thing to do is to consider the available options and choose an energy source that offers long-term benefits.
When it comes to alternative energy solutions, setting up a solar power plant and building a windmill are hefty and complex processes, but once set up, they offer endless benefits.
In terms of fossil fuels, oil companies need to find proven reserves, dig oil wells, extract the oil, and convert it into a more usable form so that it can reach the end consumers.
Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal Mencari Kata Rujukan dan Sinonim UTBK Bahasa Inggris
(adapted from:
1. The author’s bias regarding pollution is that…
A. Different forms og energy sources have helped prevent from happening
B. energy from th sun and wind will produce the minimum level of it
C. Industries making use of alternative energy contribute the least of it
D. It is alternative energy that merely offers solutions to overcome it
Jawaban: D. It is alternative energy that merely offers solutions to overcome it.
Pembahasan: Inti pertanyaan pada soal adalah tentang anggapan penulis terkait polusi. Untuk dapat menjawabnya, kita harus memperhatikan kalimat-kalimat sudut pandang yang diutarakan penulis.
Pada tipe soal seperti ini, umumnya penulis akan memberikan beberapa penawaran solusi terkait dengan konteks permasalahan.
Baca Juga: Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan Mengisi Kalimat Rumpang UTBK Bahasa Inggris
Kalimat “Only alternative energy solutions can help us….” menunjukkan sudut pandang dan anggapan penulis terhadap permasalahan utama, yaitu polusi.
Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan D.
Nah, demikian contoh latihan soal dan pembahasan UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris tentang mencari anggapan penulis, Adjarian.