Soal UTBK dan Pembahasan Materi Mencari Topik pada Teks Bahasa Inggris

By Jestica Anna, Rabu, 19 Januari 2022 | 10:00 WIB
Mencari topik pada teks merupakan soal yang umum dijumpai pada UTBK bahasa Inggris. (Unsplash/JeswinThomas)

In almost every developing country, the lack of adequate supplies of cheap, convenient and reliable. Fuel is a major problem.

Rural commodities depend largely on kerosene, wood, and dung for their cooking and lighting needs, but kerosene is now priced out of reach of many people, and wood, except in heavily forested areas, is in short supply.

The search for firewood occupies a large part of the working day and has resulted in widespread deforestation.

Dung is in constant supply wherever there are farm animals and when dried, it is convenient to store and use.

But burning dung destroys its value as fertilizer, thus depriving the soil of a much-needed source of humus and nitrogen.

Rural areas of developing countries are also plagued by a lack of adequate sanitation, improper waste disposal spreads disease, contaminates water sources, and provides feeding grounds for disease-carrying insects.

The problem of improving environmental hygiene, conserving sources, and finding alternative sources of fuel may be unrelated.

Baca Juga: 5 Cara Belajar yang Efektif untuk Menghadapi UTBK SBMPTN 2022

Their solution, however, is not, as many countries experimenting with biogas technology are discovering.

Biogas, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, is produced by anaerobic fermentation is a natural one. Occurring whenever living matter decomposes.

By keeping the matter and the process in a digester or biogas plan, the combustible gas can be trapped and used as fuel for household lighting and cooking.

The digested slurry that remains can be used on the land as a soil conditioner and fertilizer.