Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI, Chapter II Assessment A No. 11-14

By Aldita Prafitasari, Kamis, 30 Desember 2021 | 11:30 WIB
Dalam bahasa Inggris, saran atau opini disebut dengan opinion. (Unsplash)

13. What can we infer from the dialog?

A. The speakers are neighbors.

B. Dava knows how to recycle waste.

C. The waste in the bins is collected regularly.

D. The segregation bins can only be found in one place.

E. The people in Rangga's village turn their waste into useful products.

Answer: E. The people in Rangga's village turn their waste into useful products.

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas X, Chapter III Activity 8

14. What will Rangga do right after the conversation?

A. Help Dava recycle his waste

B. Show Dava several pictures on his phone

C. Explain the steps to recycle waste to Dava

D. Borrow several products from his neighbor

E. Give several items made of recycled waste to Dava

Answer: B. Show Dava several pictures on his phone

Itulah pembahasan soal materi bahasa Inggris kelas XI pada Buku PR Interaktif materi, In My Opinion, Adjarian.