Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI, Mid-Term Test No. 18-21

By Aldita Prafitasari, Sabtu, 4 Desember 2021 | 08:00 WIB
Asa beberapa soal latihan materi bahasa Inggris kelas XI untuk Mid Term Test. (Unsplash)

This dialog is for questions 19 to 21.

Olive: You are sweating so much. What have you been doing?

Fian: I've been cleaning my warehouse.

Olive: Did you find anything interesting? I think you can sell unused items to a garbage

Fian: I found many old gadgets, I don't think the garbage bank can do something with them

Olive: I believe you can throw them into an e-waste dropbox.

Fian: What's that? A kind of e-waste disposal?

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI, Chapter III Assessment A No. 15-20

Olive: It is. It was just established a week ago. it is specially made to manage e-waste.

Fian: That's great. I think that will be helpful. Where can I find it?

Olive: I think you can find it near the city hall.

Fian: All right. But why is the box placed there?

Olive: That's probably because this is a government project. They can also immediately manage the waste.

Fian: Good thinking. So, will you accompany me there?

Olive: With pleasure.