Activity 3
Complete the following sentences with suitable words from Activity 2. Read your work aloud, in turns.
1. to confirm /tu: kan'f3vm/ = untuk mengonfirmasi
2. host /houst/ = tuan rumah
3. venue /'ven.ju:/ = tempat acara
4. to respond /tu: ri'spaind/ = merespons atau menjawab
5. feast /fi:st/ = pesta
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI, Event Invitations
6. to attend /tu: a'tend/ = hadir
7. uniform /' = seragam
8. invitee /in.var'ti:/ = undangan
9. clown /klaun/ = badut
10. card /kaird/ = kartu