3. - My elder sister always submits her tasks on time.
- She always gets extra points.
Answer: My elder sister always submits her tasks on time therefore she always gets extra points.
Kakak perempuanku selalu menyerahkan tugas tepat waktu, oleh karena itu, dia selalu mendapat poin ekstra.
4. - I have to send a package.
- I go to the post office.
Answer: I have to send a package, therefore I go to the post office.
Aku harus mengirim paket, oleh karena itu, aku pergi ke kantor pos.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII, Offering Help and Service
5. - Haris has submitted proposals to several companies.
- There is no answer about the proposals.
Answer: Haris has submitted proposals to several companies nevertheless there is no answer about the proposals.
Haris telah mengajukan proposal ke beberapa perusahaan, namun belum ada jawaban mengenai proposal tersebut.