Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas X, Bab IV Activity 13

By Aldita Prafitasari, Senin, 8 November 2021 | 13:30 WIB
Noun phrase adalah frasa hasil penggabungan kata benda (noun), kata ganti benda (pronoun), atau number. (Unsplash)

7. Harau Valley has challenging terrain that attracts rock climbers to come.

Noun Phrasechallenging terrain

Adjective(s): challenging

Noun: terrain

Meaning: medan yang menantang

8. The fresh atmosphere of Harau Valley becomes tourists' favorite.

Noun Phrase: fresh atmosphere

Adjective(s): fresh

Noun: atmosphere

Meaning: suasana segar

Baca Juga: Mengenal Possessive Pronoun: Independent dan Dependent (Possessive Adjective)

9. We have to be careful of fire that may cause a big problem to the environment.

Noun Phrase: big problem

Adjective(s): big

Noun: problem

Meaning: masalah besar

10. Always take good care of your belongings when you visit any tourist objects.

Noun Phrase: good care

Adjective(s): good

Noun: care

Meaning: perawatan yang baik

Nah Adjarian, itulah pembahasan soal materi bahasa Inggris kelas X, pada buku PR Interaktif materi Let's Have a Safe Holiday.