Read following questions. Answer them based on your own experience, orally.
Baca pertanyaan berikut. Jawablah berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri, secara lisan.
1. Have you ever made, received or seen an invitation?
Answer: Yes, I have.
2. What kind of invitation was it?
Answer: I have ever made invittion for my birthday party for my 12th birthday. I also ever received a birthday party invitation from my friends.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI, Expressions of Offering
3. Was the invitation in spoken or written form?
Answer: It is in a written form.
4. Was it a formal or informal invitation? Why do you say so?
Answer: It is informal invitation. Because it is written with casual diction.