Percakapan Memberi Semangat kepada Teman dalam Bahasa Inggris

By Aldita Prafitasari, Minggu, 17 Oktober 2021 | 12:00 WIB
Memberi semangat dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan giving encouragement. (Unsplash)

Contoh Percakapan 1

Sam: The last few days I've been wondering whether I should join a speech contest or not?

Kai: What are you waiting for? It's worth a try.

Sam: But the competition is only a week away and I don't think I have much time to prepare.

Kai: You should try it. There's nothing to lose if you try, win or lose doesn't matter.

Baca Juga: Contoh Percakapan Merencanakan Kegiatan Hari Libur dalam Bahasa Inggris

Sam: That's true, but I'd definitely feel insecure if the material I was going to convey wasn't optimal.

Kai: Instead of wasting your time considering things like this, how about you start looking for speech materials from now on. I will help you!

Sam: Really? I would be very grateful! You are the best, Kai.


"Saat seseorang membutuhkan dukungan semangat untuk memulai suatu hal kita bisa mengatakan 'Go for it!'"