Contoh Teks 1
I have one favorite character whose items I have collected since I was in elementary school.
That character is Spongebob.
Every time I see an item with that character, I want to have it to be collected.
Even though it doesn't seem very important, it makes me happy.
Baca Juga: Contoh Paragraf Menceritakan Hewan Peliharaan dalam Bahasa Inggris
My close friends understand very well that I like the character.
Therefore, every time I have a birthday or a celebration they always give gifts with Spongebob characters.
I keep all my collections neatly in the cupboard that my father made for me.
The cupboard is in my room. In the past, the cupboard was only about a quarter filled.
But as time went on, my collection of items with my favorite characters grew more and more to fill my closet.
"Kita menggunakan simple present tense dalam teks yang menceritakan suatu hal yang sedang terjadi."