Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Chapter 6, Grammar Review Task 2

By Aldita Prafitasari, Rabu, 22 September 2021 | 17:20 WIB
Menjawab soal pemahaman grammar pada buku bahasa Inggris kelas XII Chapter 6. (pixabay)

adjar.id – Kita akan membahas soal pada Grammar Review, Task 2, complete the blank spaces in the following column with direct and indirect sentencesAdjarian.

Soal tersebut ada pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas XII (SMA) edisi revisi 2018 Chapter 6 halaman 88-90 pada materi Online School Registration.

Soal pemahaman grammar kali ini adalah mengubah kalimat langsung menjadi tidak langsung dan juga sebaliknya.

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Chapter 5, Communicating Task 1

Kalimat digolongkan menjadi kalimat langsung ketika dikutip dari perkataan seseorang tanpa merubah kata-kata dan menggunakan tanda kutip.

Sedangkan kalimat tidak langsung adalah kalimat yang merupakan penyampaian apa yang diucapkan seseorang tetapi di dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat perubahan kata-kata.

Nah, pembahasan di bawah ini dapat Adjarian gunakan sebagai referensi.

Sekarang, yuk, kita simak pembahasan soal dan jawabannya berikut ini!

Grammar Review, Task 2: Is it Direct or Indirect?

Direct and indirect sentences appear in the text above. Complete the blank spaces in the following column with direct and indirect sentences.

Tinjauan Tata Bahasa, Tugas 2: Apakah Langsung atau Tidak Langsung?

Kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung muncul dalam teks di atas. Isilah ruang kosong pada kolom berikut dengan kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung.

Grammar Review, Task 2: Is it Direct or Indirect? Complete the blank spaces in the following column with direct and indirect sentences. (Tangkapan layar buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Edisi Revisi 2018)

- Direct Sentence

Riki Setyanto, one of the parents, said, “I have registered my daughter for enrollment at state vocational high school SMKN 47 Jakarta, but she then got rejected due to the minimum height policy applied by the state-run school.”

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Chapter 5, Text Structure Task 2

Indirect Sentence

Riki Setyanto, one of the parents, said that he had registered his daughter for enrollment at state vocational high school SMKN 47 Jakarta, but she then got rejected due to the minimum height policy applied by the state-run school.

- Direct Sentence

“First my daughter was rejected because of her height, and now due to technical issues, she can’t register at any school. I just want to get her into a good school,” he said. 

Indirect Sentence

Riki Setyanto said that at first his daughter was rejected because of her height, and now due to technical issues, she can’t register at any school. He just wanted to get her daughter into a good school.

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Chapter 5, Reading Exercises Task 5

- Direct Sentence

Nuraisyah Paransa, another parent, also said, “I was unable to register my son at any state-run high school due to similar technical problems.”

Indirect Sentence

Nuraisyah Paransa, another parent, also said that she was unable to register her son at any state-run high school due to similar technical problems.

- Direct Sentence

“But the second school rejected him because it said that he had been accepted through the public admission phase. Since my son did not re-register at the first school, now he isn’t registered anywhere,” Aisyah said. 

Indirect Sentence

Aisyah said that the second school rejected him because it said that he had been accepted through the public admission phase. Since her son did not re-register at the first school, now he isn’t registered anywhere.

- Direct Sentence

Lasro Marbun, head of the Jakarta Education Agency, said, “Anyone who did not re-register in the public admission phase and was unable to register during local admission or third admission, could register their children at private schools.”

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Chapter 5, Communicating Task 1 dan 2

Indirect Sentence

Lasro Marbun, head of the Jakarta Education Agency, said that anyone who did not re-register in the public admission phase and was unable to register during local admission or third admission, could register their children at private schools.

- Direct Sentence

“They can then transfer them to a public school in the second semester,” Lasro Marbun said on Thursday as quoted by kompas.com.

Indirect Sentence

Lasro Marbun said on Thursday as quoted by kompas.com that parents can then transfer their son or daughter to a public school in the second semester. 

- Direct Sentence

“I cannot pay for a private school, if he thinks that is a good alternative for us, he should just give us the money to pay for those schools,” Rida said.

Indirect Sentence

Rida said that she cannot pay for a private school and if he thinks that is a good alternative for them, he should just give them the money to pay for the schools.

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Chapter 4, Text Structure Task 2

- Direct Sentence

“We had no problems last year. The process might be a little complicated, but there’s no reason to panic,” the governor told reporters at City Hall.

Indirect Sentence

The governor told reporters at City Hall that they had no problems last year. According to him, the process might be a little complicated but there’s no reason to panic.

Nah, itulah cara menjawab soal bahasa Inggris dalam materi "Online School Registrationyang dapat Adjarian jadikan sebagai referensi, ya.