Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Chapter 11, Text Structure

By Aldita Prafitasari, Rabu, 15 September 2021 | 14:40 WIB
Mejawab soal teks struktur ppada buku bahasa Inggris kelas X Chapter 11. (pixabay)

Text StructureIndividually, complete the following chart to find out the text structure of the biographical recount of Cut Nyak Dhien. Then, please discuss with your classmates which part of the text is orientation, a series of events, and a reorientation.

Struktur Teks: Secara individual, lengkapi bagan berikut untuk mengetahui struktur teks recount biografi Cut Nyak Dhien. Kemudian, diskusikan dengan teman sekelas Anda bagian mana dari teks tersebut yang merupakan orientasi, rangkaian peristiwa, dan reorientasi.

Remember that a recount consists of an orientation, a series of events, and a reorientation. (Tangkapan layar buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Edisi Revisi 2016)

Introductory paragraph

To start the recount by introducing Cut Nyak Dhien

1. Her birth date and death

2. She was a leader of the Acehnese guerilla for 25 years

3. She was an Indonesian National Hero

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Chapter 11, Reading Comprehension Task 1

Supporting paragraph 1

To tell about her family and first marriage

4. She was from an Islamic aristocratic family

5. She was educated in religion and household matters

6. She was beautiful and many people wanted to marry her.

7. She was finally married to Teuku Cik Ibrahim Lamnga.