1. We will work in groups. We will list the speakers’ statements about the animals.
Kita akan bekerja dalam kelompok. Kita akan mencantumkan pernyataan pembicara tentang hewan.
What do they say about the things?
1. Beni says Edo’s dog has fierce eyes. But, Edo says that his dog is friendly and playful.
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2. Siti says that Lina's rabbit is white like snow, and she is charming. And Lina agrees with Siti.
3. Dayu says that Udin's cat is adorable and asks if she is very heavy. And Udin says that his cat is heavy.
4. Dayu says that Siti's hamsters have huge cheeks. And Siti says that they eat a lot.
Nah Adjarian, itulah referensi jawaban yang dapat kita gunakan dalam menjawab soal bahasa Inggris tema It's a beautiful day, ya!