Percakapan Menanyakan Hobi dengan Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

By Aldita Prafitasari, Selasa, 31 Agustus 2021 | 10:00 WIB
Percakapan menanyakan hobi wajib dipelajari supaya semakin mahir berbahasa inggris. (pixabay)

Percakapan 1

Lius: Do you have activities that you enjoy doing?

Zizi: Yes, now my hobby is selling. Although the income is not much, I really like selling online in my spare time. I want to be a successful entrepreneur, I want to develop my online shop into a big company.

Lius : Wow, it's great that you already have an online shop at our age when friends are busy playing.

Zizi : Yes, although at first, it was because I needed money for me to go to school. But now it has become a hobby and my goal is mature to continue to build this business.

Lius : I'm very proud of you, Zizi. Unlike you, I still haven't decided on an idea that I feel fits me.

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Zizi : I think it's a natural thing, as time goes by your desire for something will definitely narrow. Maybe your dream can come from a hobby that you like. What are your hobbies?

Lius : Yes, thank you. I currently enjoy reading and want to write my own novel. But, I also enjoy playing basketball and my skills are not bad.

Zizi : In the end, you will continue to do what you find fun, Lius. Just relax on your hobby and you will find your dream.

Lius : Thank you, Zizi. Your words make me more motivated.

Zizi : With pleasure.