Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Chapter 7, List The Activity and Routines No. 1-2

By Aldita Prafitasari, Rabu, 25 Agustus 2021 | 15:00 WIB
Melakukan aktivitas atau activity/routines bersama teman-teman merupakan hal yang menyenangkan. (pixabay)

We will list the activities stated by Dayu, Udin, Beni, Siti, and Edo that they and their families do as their routines, like the example.

Kita akan mencantumkan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dikemukakan oleh Dayu, Udin, Beni, Siti, dan Edo yang mereka dan keluarga lakukan sebagai rutinitas mereka, seperti contoh.

LIst the activity and routines. (Tangkapan layar buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Edisi Revisi 2017)

1. Here are what Dayu and her sister do as their routines,according to Dayu.

a) Her sister and she get up early every day.

b) They make the beds.

c) They clean the house.

d) They also help mother to prepare the breakfast for the family.

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e) Before that, they do some exercise.

f) They take care of their home.

g) When they get home, they do the housework themselves.

h) They also clean the bathroom.

i) They water the plants, too.