– Apakah Adjarian tahu apa itu passive sentence?
Untuk mengubah sebuah kalimat menjadi bentuk pasif, kita cukup menambahkan to be dan kata been yang sudah disesuaikan di depan Verb 3.
Nah, pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas XII (SMA) edisi revisi 2018 Chapter 4 halaman 54 terdapat soal pada grammar review task 2, change the following active sentences into passive.
Soal tersebut terdapat pada materi Do You Know How to Apply for a Job?
Baca Juga: Kumpulan Soal dan Jawaban First, Second, dan Zero Conditional Sentence
Soal tersebut meminta kita untuk mengubah kalimat aktif berikut menjadi pasif.
Nah, ulasan jawaban berikut nantinya bisa Adjarian jadikan bahan referensi.
Yuk, kita simak soal dan jawaban serta pembahasannya di bawah ini!
Task 2: Do the exercise.
Change the following active sentences into passive.
1. He manages the local branch of a national shoe retailer.
The local branch of a national shoe retailer is managed by him.
2. The company has advertised the job opportunity in the national newspaper.
The job oppurtunity in the national newspaper has been advertised by the company.
3. He developed time management tools for staff.
The time management tools for the staff was developed by him.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Chapter 2, Reading Comprehension Tasks 2
4. She will enclose her resume in the application letter.
Her resume in the application letter will be enclosed by her.
5. Linda is writing an application letter for the position as a secretary.
An application letter for the position as a secretary is being written by Linda.
Nah Adjarian, itulah cara menjawab soal bahasa Inggris dalam materi Do You Know How to Apply for a Job?.