Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Chapter 2, Reading Comprehension Tasks 3

By Aldita Prafitasari, Senin, 16 Agustus 2021 | 13:00 WIB
Memahami bacaan di dalam buku dan menjawab pertanyaan yang ada adalah salah satu pembelajaran dalam buku. (pixabay)

adjar.id – Apakah Adjarian tahu dimana letak kota Seattle?

Kota Seattle berada di negara Amerika Serikat, tepatnya di negara bagian Washington.

Nah, pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas XII (SMA) edisi revisi 2018 Chapter 2 halaman 22 terdapat soal pada reading comprehension tasks 3, complete the following sentences by referring to the previous reading text.

Soal tersebut terdapat pada materi Why Don't You Visit Seattle?

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Nah, soal tersebut termasuk soal essay, di mana jawabannya bisa beragam karena tergantung pada masing-masing dari kita yang mengerjakan, Adjarian.

Soal tersebut meminta kita untuk melengkapi kalimat yang berdasarkan pada teks bacaan sebelumnya, yaitu halaman 17 hingga 20. 

Sekarang, yuk, kita simak soal dan jawaban serta pembahasannya di bawah ini!

Task 3: Complete the sentences. Please complete the following sentences by referring to the previous reading text.

Tugas 3: Lengkapi kalimat. Lengkapi kalimat berikut dengan mengacu pada teks bacaan sebelumnya.

Reading Comprehension Tasks 3. (Tangkapan layar buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Edisi Revisi 2018)

1. If you visit Seattle, the first thing to do is sail to go to Bainbridge Island on a Washington State Ferry. 

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In Bainbrige Island, there are downtown galleries, boutiques, coffee houses, and cafes. Seasonal gardens and natural woodlands at the Bloedel Reserve areas are the other options.

2. The second thing to do is go to Pike Place Market. Its entire district is full of shopping, attractions, and favorite sights. 

3. The 'Soul of Seattle' is the name for Pike Place Market because the area is a festival of sounds, tastes, and smells. 

4. Book a night at one of the many cozy B & Bs or resorts available throughout the Sun Juan Islands is the third instruction to follow if you visit Seattle.

5. If I am in the San Juan Islands, I will be able to enjoy naturalist-guided tours, wildlife spotting, whale watching, and storm watching.

6. The fourth instruction to follow is to see exciting and experimental works at Chihuly Garden and Glass.

7. Chihuly Garden and Glass customer service may offer help to a guest saying you should explore the Space Needle and Pacific Science Center. Experience Music Project and a variety of cultural activities offered throughout the year.

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8. If you were an aircraft factory staff, what would you say to offer help for your visitors. If you are curious to know the world’s most sophisticated aircraft to be built before your eyes you can go to the Boeing factory in Mukilteo.

And also, you should explore the dynamics of flight and experience new aviation innovation.

9. Two instructions to follow at the Boeing factory are to explore the dynamics of flight and experience new aviation innovation.

10. Imagine you are visiting Lake Toba with your classmates. Your friends want to go canoeing but do not know how to do it. What would you say to help them "Let's go canoeing together, I will teach you how to paddle properly."

Nah Adjarian, itulah contoh soal dan jawaban pada materi 'Why Don't You Visit Seattle?,' ya.