2. Liburan sekolah akan segera tiba. Kamu dan keluarga memiliki rencana untuk pergi ke luar negeri, tetapi tidak punya waktu untuk browsing internet untuk mencari tempat terbaik dan deal terbaik. Tawarkan orang tua kamu untuk menemukan informasi yang dibutuhkan dan mengatur liburan dengan agen tur.
Contoh Dialog 1
You: Mom, Dad, the day after tomorrow is already my and my sister's school holiday. Where are we going on vacation?
Mom: I'm sorry sweety, I don't have time to plan a vacation this time, a lot of work to be done tonight.
Dad: Dad also still has a lot of work, sweety.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Chapter 3, Declining Invitation
You: Okay, how about me and my sister planning a vacation this time, I will consult a good travel agent so that this vacation is short but memorable.
Mom: Very good idea, honey! Don't forget to pay attention to prayer times and meals when making a vacation schedule.
You: Okay mom, I'll arrange with a travel agent the best vacation we've ever done.
Dad: So proud of you, my daughter is a big girl now!