Latihan Soal Possessive Pronoun atau Kepemilikan dalam Bahasa Inggris

By Aldita Prafitasari, Selasa, 29 Juni 2021 | 07:40 WIB
Latihan soal possessive pronoun. (freepik) - Berikut ini adalah contoh soal dan jawaban materi kepemilikan atau possessive pronoun dalam bahasa Inggris beserta jawabannya.

Yuk, kita latihan soal dengan contoh-contoh soal berikut ini!

1. That lamp belongs to my aunt and uncle. That lamp is ...

a. Mine

b. Theirs

c. Hers

d. Yours

2. I have a city car. The car is …

a. Mine

b. His

c. Yours

d. Hers

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1. b. Theirs

2. a. Mine

3. The boots belong to Roy. They are …

a. Mine

b. His

c. Yours

d. Hers

4. There is a pen under your desk. Is it …?

a. Mine

b. His

c. Yours

d. Hers

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3. b. His4. c. Yours

5. I told her my secret, and she told me …

a. Mine

b. His

c. Yours

d. Hers

6. Are those cables the mechanics’? No, they aren’t …

a. Theirs

b. Yours

c. Ours

d. His

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5. d. Hers

6. a. Theirs

7. My pen is running out of ink. Can I borrow …?

a. Theirs

b. Yours

c. Ours

d. His

8. We have three horses. They are …

a. Theirs

b. Yours

c. Ours

d. His

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7. b. Yours

8. c. Ours

9. He has a helmet. That helmet is …

a. Theirs

b. Yours

c. Ours

d. His

10. This bicycle belongs to my neighbor Bill. This bicycle is ...

a. Theirs

b. His

c. Hers

d. Yours

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9. d. His

10. b. His