Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Materi If Clause atau Conditional Sentence

By Aldita Prafitasari, Selasa, 22 Juni 2021 | 11:00 WIB
Contoh soal if clause atau conditional sentence. (freepik) - Adjarian masih ingat tentang if clause yang sudah kita pelajari bersama, kan?

If clause juga biasa disebut dengan conditional sentence.

Jadi, jika ada yang menjelaskan mengenai conditional sentence, materi yang dimaksud adalah if clause.

Baca Juga: Materi Tipe Penggunaan If Clause atau Pengandaian Berikut Contohnya

If clause juga sering disebut sebagai kalimat pengandaian.

Ada empat tipe if clause, yaitu 0, 1, 2, dan 3. 

Nah, sekarang kita latihan soal agar semakin mudah memahami materi ini.

Yuk, simak contoh soal materi if clause atau conditional sentence berikut!

Clue: Tipe Zero & First Conditional

1. Avatar will make peace the 4 worlds if Avatar … (master) 4 elements.

2. If you eat, you … (feel) full.

3. There will be no mercy if you always … (do) this again.

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal Modal Auxiliary Verb dan Jawabannya


1. Masters

2. Feel

3. Do

Clue: Tipe Second Conditional

4. If Corona didn’t exist, the world … (keep) in peace.

5. If Dono … (have) a friend, he would be vain.

6. I would lend you some money if I … (have) it.

Baca Juga: Kumpulan Soal dan Jawaban Materi Meminta dan Menanggapi Saran dalam Bahasa Inggris


4. Would keep

5. Had

6. Had

Clue: Tipe Third Conditional

7. Your mother … (reject) your calls if you had replied his text message fast.

8. Would you have given her apologies if she … (ask) forgiveness?

9. If Doni had seen the doctor, he … (feel) better now.

10. If we had passed this season, we … (go) for holiday.

 Baca Juga: Kumpulan Soal dan Jawaban Materi Grammar Past Continuous Tense 


7. Would have rejected

8. Had asked

9. Would have felt

10. Would have gone