Cara Mengekspresikan Penghargaan dan Kekaguman (Appreciation and Compliments) dalam Bahasa Inggris

By Aldita Prafitasari, Selasa, 22 Juni 2021 | 14:00 WIB
Ada beberapa cara untuk mengekspresikan penghargaan dan kekaguman dalam bahasa Inggris. (pixabay)

3. Noun Phrase + is/look + (really) + Adjective.

Contoh ungkapan compliment menggunakan rumus tadi adalah:

- Your hair is really beautiful

- The woman’s bag looks wonderful

- The actor’s performance on the stage is really attractive

- Your blouse is really beautiful.

- Your job looks great!

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4. Noun/Pronoun + (really) + like/love + Noun Phrase.

Berikut beberapa ungkapan compliment bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan rumus ini:

- We all really love your performance

- All teachers really love your commitments

- His father really like his test result

- I really like your dress.

- I love your new apartment.