Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Chapter 9, Listening

By Aldita Prafitasari, Rabu, 19 Oktober 2022 | 17:30 WIB
Di dalam buku Bahasa Inggris kelas X edisi revisi 2016 Chapter 9 halaman 129, ada soal listening materi The Battle of Surabaya. (Freepik)

adjar.id  Soal pemahaman teks listening bertujuan untuk menguji pemahaman kita akan teks yang sudah diperdengarkan.

Nah, kali ini kita akan membahas soal berdasaran teks listening yang menceritakan pengalaman seorang anak laki-laki.

Soal tersebut ada pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas X (SMA) edisi revisi 2016 Chapter 9, materi The Battle of Surabaya halaman 129.

Nah, pembahasan soal tersebut di bawah ini dapat Adjarian jadikan sebagai referensi.

Your teacher is going to read you an experience of a boy who had to go out of Surabaya when the city was surrounded by the British Army.

Listen carefully. You may take notes if necessary. Then, answer the teacher’s questions.

1. What was the boy’s experience about?

Answer: Penetrating the British Army siege/sneaking out of Surabaya that was under siege by the British Army.

2. Why did they boy have to sneak out of Surabaya?

Answer: He had to get the cure for his sick brother.

3. Where did he have to go?

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Answer: To the next town where his grandparents lived.

4. Who accompanied him?

Answer: Lunyu, his best friend.

5. How did they go to the next town and keep themselves safe from enemies?

Answer: They went there on foot and by taking alternative route.

6. Why didn’t they take the main road?

Answer: They had to avoid meeting the British Army.

7. What would have happened if they had met the British Army?


a. They would have not been allowed to go out of Surabaya by the British Army.

b. They would have been interrogated/given many questions to know whether they were freedom fighters.

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c. They would have been arrested if the British Army had been suspicious.

8. What do you think about the villagers liven near the forest?

Answer: They were kind and helpful.

9. Why do think they were determined to continue their trip?

Answer: The boy’s brother needed the cure soon.

10. Why did the villagers offer them to continue the trip the next morning?

Answer: They knew the forest was not easy to go through at night because it was dark.

Nah, itulah pembahasan soal bahasa Inggris berdasarkan teks listening tema "The Battle of Surabaya".