Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas X, Bab V Activity 15

By Aldita Prafitasari, Sabtu, 28 Mei 2022 | 08:00 WIB
Dalam bahasa Inggris tempat kuno disebut dengan ancient place. (Unsplash)

adjar.id - Suatu tempat dianggap bersejarah dikarenakan kejadian masa lampau yang melatar belakangi adanya tempat tersebut, Adjarian.

Nah, kali ini kita akan melengkapi suatu teks yang menceritakan tempat bersejarah bernama Tiwanaku.

Teks tersebut ada pada buku PR Interaktif pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas X halaman 84, Activity 15 pada materi "Historical Places".

Kita diminta untuk melengkapi teks berikut dengan kata-kata yang sesuai dari kotak.

Kemudian, kita akan diminta untuk membaca teks dengan keras, secara bergiliran.

O iya, jangan lupa untuk memahami pilihan kata dan teks tersebut dengan benar sesuai kaidah kebahasannya, ya.

Selain agar kita dapat melengkapi teks dengan benar, kita juga bisa menambah kosakata bahasa Inggris kita.

Di bawah ini juga dilengkapi dengan terjemahan setiap pilihan kata yang dijadikan pilihan jawaban melengkapi teks.

Yuk, simak pembahasan soal berikut ini, Adjarian!

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas X, Chapter VI Assessment A No. 15-17

Activity 15

1. Disappeared = lenyap

2. Mathematical = matematis

3. Remnants = sisa-sisa

4. Built = dibuat

5. Exhibited = dipamerkan

6. Charmed places = tempat-tempat yang mempesona

7. Increasing = meningkat

8. Powerful = kuat

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas X, Chapter IV Assessment A No. 1-3

9. Giant stone = batu raksasa

10. Inhabited = berpenghuni

11. Attracts = menarik

12. Spread out = menyebar

Complete the following text with suitable words from the box. Read the text aloud, in turns.

Tiwanaku (often spelled Tiahuanaco or Tiahuanacu) located at Bolivia's extreme west, near its border with Peru, on southern Lake Titicaca is one of South America's most important archaeological sites and is the former home of a remarkable civilization by the same name.

Many scholars think the (1) remnants of these people later formed the mighty Inca empire.

But to this day no one knows why the city -which, at its height 1,500 years ago, may have held as many as a million inhabitants- (2) disappeared around AD 1000 .

The ruins of Tiwanaku visible now are impressive reminders that it was indeed once the most (3) powerful civilization in the western hemisphere.

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Chapter 14, Reading Comprehension Task 2

(4) Built reminders are everywhere: the Kalasasaya (standing stones) statues and temple with their still largely undeciphered motifs; the vestiges of the Akapana pyramid, possibly the second largest ever (5) giant stone; the famous Puerta del Sol (Gate of the Sun), whose artistic form influenced a continent for centuries; the Templo Semisubterraneo (Sunken Temple) with its rows of enigmatic faces along its walls; and mysterious Pumapunku (the Door of the Puma), with its thousands of 200-ton blocks that this pre-Inca society somehow moved to a height of 13,120 ft (4,000 m) without leaving any trace of how they managed this feat.

All these wonders are (6) spread out over an area less than 3 miles (5 km) across, where your only companion will be intense silence, sometimes broken by the mournful winds of the Altiplano.

While the number of visitors arriving at Tiwanaku is steadily (7) increasing, it is still a remote place.

Many come for the spring equinox, to watch the sunrise exactly through the center of the archway of the Gate of the Sun on the first day of spring.

Tiwanaku is filled with astronomical and (8) mathematical legacies, leading some to believe it is linked with ancient Egypt and Babylon, two other civilizations with advanced astronomical calendars.

While no one knows for sure, there is no doubt that the people who (9) inhabited Tiwanaku were among the most scientifically advanced of any age.

Whether its many legends are true or not, Tiwanaku is as a mysterious place as it gets.

Its evocative ruins, vanished civilization, and incredible feats of engineering and astronomy, and surrounding stillness make it one of the most (10) charming places on the continent.

Nah Adjarian, itulah pembahasan soal materi bahasa Inggris kelas X, pada buku PR Interaktif materi Historical Places.

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Chapter 3, Speaking Task 1 Number 3