Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Chapter 15, Listening to a Song

By Aldita Prafitasari, Minggu, 26 September 2021 | 16:00 WIB
Pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas X Chapter 15 terdapat soal pemahaman tentang listening to a song. (pxhere)

All you have to do is call

And I’ll be there, yes I will.

This verse is repeated because it is the core meaning of the song.

6. What is “ain’t”? Can you find the synonym of ain’t?

Answer: “ain’t” basically has negative meanings. Its synonyms are doesn’t, don’t, aren’t, or didn’t.

7. In general, what is the song about?

Answer: About a friend who promises to always help her friend, anytime she is needed.

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Chapter 13, The Legend of Malin Kundang

8. What is your opinion about the song?

Answer: I think this song is very beautiful and full of meaning, I have listened to this song since I was a child and until now it is still familiar to many people.

It can be concluded that this song is indeed good and much in demand by people.

This is because both the music and the lyrics are very meaningful and relate to many people.

Nah, itulah pembahasan yang bisa Adjarian jadikan referensi jawaban dalam menjawab soal bahasa Inggris tema You've got a friend.